Our Mission
Blue Tadpole Studio is a place where children have fun learning to express themselves through various art
media. By exposing them to different art forms and media, their hidden talents can be revealed and, with the
right guidance from our instructors, given true expression. Parents will be amazed at what their children
can achieve.
Children will also learn to appreciate art, and the skill and patience that go into creating a work of art.
Through the different projects that they work on, they will understand that art is not just fun but also doing
one’s best with patience and dedication.
What we teach
Our Studio offers the following curriculum :
- Watercolour
- Acrylic
- Sketching and Shading
- Cartooning
- Chinese painting
- Adobe Photoshop
We also offer summer classes and
special classes during March break.
Class include:
- clay and pottery
- art and craft
- printmaking
- sewing
and many more!
Who we are
Blue Tadpole Studio was established in 2002. Director Andrew Lau is a graduate of Sheridan College with a
Diploma in Classical Animation and a Diploma in Computer Animation (Maya) From Seneca College.
He has over twenty years’ experience in art teaching.
蝌蝌畫室於2002年創立,導師 Andrew Lau 畢業於安省 Sheridan College,持有 Diploma in Classical Animation
及 Seneca College 之 Diploma in Computer Animation (Maya) 。導師 Andrew 有超過20年藝術教學經驗。
Director : Andrew Lau
Manager : Dawn Ng
Joanne Duong
Michelle Guan
Mikayla Buan
Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.
Please contact us by calling (416) 419-7287 or visiting the Golden Square studio between 4:00pm and 8:00pm
Monday to Friday, Saturday between 12:00pm and 7:00pm. Sunday 11:00 - 1:00 Ridgeway Studio on Friday 4;00-
8:00 and Saturday 1:00 - 5:00
查詢詳情,請致電 Andrew (416) 419-7287
You can find more information about our studio in the Contact Us page.
· 水彩
· 廣告彩
· 素描
· 卡通漫畫
· 中國畫
. 電腦繪畫
· 黏土 及陶瓷
· 手工藝
· 版畫製作
· 縫紉
· 其他